


Hi there, in this post I’ll be introducing a new project I’ve been working on in my spare time over the last few weeks: Arm64 System Register Library (abbrev. arm64-sysreg-lib), a new header-only C library for reading/writing 64-bit Arm system registers. This first post introduces the library itself, including how to download it and begin using it in your own projects, then future posts will dive into the technical details of how the library actually works “under the hood”.

Key features of the library include:

High-level functionality

All system registers define a union of the form union <reg> which defines a ._ member for raw access to the underlying register value and an anonymous struct for manipulation of the register’s constituent bit fields.


union sctlr_el1
    u64 _;
        u64 m : 1;
        u64 a : 1;
        u64 c : 1;
        u64 sa : 1;

All writeable registers define a safe value of the form <reg>_SAFEVAL that has all currently or previously RES1 fields set to 1 and all currently or previously RES0 fields cleared to 0.


static const union sctlr_el3 SCTLR_EL3_SAFEVAL =
    .res1_5_4 = 3,
    .eos = 1,
    .res1_16 = 1,
    .res1_18 = 1,
    .eis = 1,
    .res1_23 = 1,
    .res1_29_28 = 3,

Some of these fields are currently RES1 bits, such as .res1_5_4 for bits [5:4] and .res1_16 for bit [16]; setting these to 1 in the safe value ensures portability when running on future CPU implementations where those bits have been repurposed into new fields, as in these cases a value of 1 will give the old behaviour while a value of 0 will give the new behaviour, and we don’t want to inadvertently enable the new behaviour on those future implementations by clearing these bits.

This is why the .eos and .eis fields are also set to 1; these fields were previosuly RES1 bits but were repurposed into new fields in later revisions of the architecture. The user can choose to clear these to 0 explicitly if they want the new behaviour, but the library defaults to setting them to 1 in the safe value and, by extension, the safe_write_<reg>() convenience macros discussed later.

All readable system registers define a read accessor of the form static inline union <reg> read_<reg>( void ), which reads the current value of the system register into its corresponding union.


/* C code */
#include "sysreg/mpidr_el1.h"
u64 foo( void )
    return read_mpidr_el1().aff0;

/* Compiler output */
mrs     x8, mpidr_el1
and     x0, x8, #0xff

All writeable system registers define a write accessor of the form static inline void unsafe_write_<reg>( union <reg> val ), which directly writes val into the system register. These functions are prefixed unsafe_ to emphasise the fact that they have no provision for helping to ensure that any currently or previously RES1 fields are set to 1; when using these functions it is the responsibility of the programmer to ensure that any such bits are set appropriately so as to ensure both correct behaviour and future portability. For this reason, it is recommended that you instead use safe_write_<reg>() wherever possible, or use the register’s safe value as a basis for constructing the value passed to unsafe_write_<reg>().

Example of unsafely writing constituent fields:

/* C code */
#include "sysreg/sctlr_el1.h"
void foo( void )
    union sctlr_el1 val = { .m=1, .c=1, .i=1 };

/* Compiler output */
mov     w8, #0x1005         // Danger! No RES1 bits set! See safe_write_<reg>()
msr     sctlr_el1, x8

Example of unsafely writing the register’s raw value:

/* C code */
#include "sysreg/sctlr_el1.h"
void foo( u64 raw )
    union sctlr_el1 val =   ;

/* Compiler output */
msr     sctlr_el1, x0

Variadic convenience macros

Writeable system registers define a convenience macro of the form safe_write_<reg>( … ), and system registers that are both readable and writeable define a convenience macro of the form read_modify_write_<reg>( … ). These convenience macros are one of the main highlights of the library and allow for powerful manipulation of 64-bit system registers while still optimising down to only a handful of A64 assembly instructions with no branches and no static storage.

As mentioned earlier, the unsafe_write_<reg>() function does not account for currently or previously RES1 bits, which may lead to portability issues if the programmer does not correctly set these bits based on their desired behaviour. The safe_write_<reg>() convenience macro solves this by allowing you to set a variadic list of fields, with any unspecified fields defaulting to their current/previous RES value i.e. all currently or previously RES1 fields not specified in the variadic list will be set to 1.


/* C code */
#include "sysreg/sctlr_el1.h"
void foo( void )
    safe_write_sctlr_el1( .m=1, .c=1, .i=1 );

/* compiler output */
mov     w8, #0x1985
movk    w8, #0x30d0, lsl #16
msr     sctlr_el1, x8

Note how while we only specified .m=1.c=1, and .i=1, the value written to SCTLR_EL1 also has all currently or previously RES1 fields set to 1, such as .itd=1.sed=1.eos=1, etc.

Repeating the same, but this time explicitly clearing one of those currently or previously RES1 fields to 0 in the variadic list:

/* in C */
#include "sysreg/sctlr_el1.h"
void foo( void )
    safe_write_sctlr_el1( .m=1, .c=1, .i=1, .itd=0 );

/* compiler output */
mov     w8, #0x1905
movk    w8, #0x30d0, lsl #16
msr     sctlr_el1, x8

Here we can see bit [7] corresponding to .itd in the first MOV has been cleared; the value moved into w8 is now 0x1905 vs 0x1985 in the earlier example.

The read_modify_write_<reg>() convenience macro works in a similar way, but instead reads the current value of a system register, overwrites a variadic list of fields, then writes the result back to the system register, the key thing here being that any fields not specified in the variadic list are untouched.


/* in C */
void foo( void )
    read_modify_write_sctlr_el1( .m=1, .c=1, .i=1 );

/* compiler output */
mrs     x8, sctlr_el1
mov     w9, #0x1005
orr     x8, x8, x9
msr     sctlr_el1, x8

Repeating this but clearing a previously RES1 field such as .itd=0:

/* in C */
void foo( void )
    read_modify_write_sctlr_el1( .m=1, .c=1, .i=1, .itd=0 );

/* compiler output */
mrs     x8, sctlr_el1
and     x8, x8, #0xffffffffffffff7f
mov     w9, #0x1005
orr     x8, x8, x9
msr     sctlr_el1, x8

Note how the .itd field is cleared using an AND instruction before the other specified fields are ORR’d in. I’ll dive into the technical details of how the variadic macro is able to do that in a future blog post.

Building and testing the library

Note that when you clone the library from GitHub, it will already have been built for you using the June 2020 (SysReg_xml_v86A-2020-06) release of the AArch64 System Register XML. You can simply add -I/path/to/arm64-sysreg-lib/include to your compiler flags to begin using the library in your own projects straight away. You can also run the script to build the compilation tests using your chosen compiler.

Alternatively, follow the instructions below to build the library yourself.

The prerequisites to build the library are:

First, download and extract the AArch64 System Register XML from the Arm A-Profile CPU architecture exploration tools page. You can do this manually, or instead use curl:

$ curl -O
$ tar xf SysReg_xml_v86A-2020-06.tar.gz

Then run the provided script, pointing it at the extracted XML:

$ python3.8 /path/to/SysReg_xml_v86A-2020-06

To test building the generated C headers with your chosen compiler, run the ./ script:

$ python3.8 [--keep] COMPILER_PATH [COMPILER_FLAGS]

For example:

$ python3.8 /path/to/aarch64-none-elf-gcc 

It is assumed the compiler uses the same flags/switches as gcc and clang, and the script always invokes the compiler with the following flags:

-Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Werror

You may pass additional flags to the script which will be passed in turn to the compiler, for example:

$ python3.8 /path/to/aarch64-none-elf-gcc -std=c99 -O3

If no -std flag is provided, the script defaults to -std=c11.

If no -O flag is provided, the script defaults to -O2.

If the compiler path contains substring clang and no --target flag is provided, the script defaults to --target=aarch64-none-elf.

By default the script will cleanup the generated .o object files after finishing the test run; pass the --keep flag before the compiler path if you wish to keep these files.

Known issues and limitations

At time of writing this library is still in development and is not yet able to parse all files included in the AArch64 System Register XML.

Of the 485 AArch64-* files included in the SysReg_xml_v86A-2020-06 release that actually describe system register encodings:

Of the 96 that fail to parse:

Support for these registers will be added in future releases.

Not counted above are external system registers such as GICD_* and GICR_*, support for which will also be added later.

Closing words

That’s all for now — hope you found it interesting! Please feel free to download the library from GitHub and experiment with using it in your own projects. Any feedback on usability and requests for future functionality would be greatly appreciated! Let me know if you find it useful. Also, keep an eye out for future blog posts in this series where I’ll dive into the technical details of how the library is generated and how features like the variadic convenience macros actually work.